
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Ep 52 TRS - “Our Relationship to Dieting, Wellness, and Intuitive Eating” with guest Candace Dale McKenzie, LMFT
Jenni, Wendy, and Candace discuss their thoughts and feelings about a New York Times opEd by novelist Jessica Knoll pointing out the impact she perceives the Diet Industry posing as the Wellness Industry has had on the self-esteem and self-images of women. Conversation includes further explorations of Intuitive Eating, Health at Every Size, body dysmorphia, and eating disorders.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2019
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
w: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
w: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Candace Dale McKenzie, LMFT
tw: @CMcKenzieD
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Jessica Knoll - “Smash the Wellness Industry” 6/8/2019 New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/08/opinion/sunday/women-dieting-wellness.html
National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) - https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org
Eating Disorders Information Network - MyEdin.org
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD) - Anad.org
Intuitive Eating - IntuitiveEating.org
“The Intuitive Eating Workbook” - Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
Health At Every Size Community - Haescommunity.com
“Health at Every Size” - Linda Bacon - LindaBacon.Org
“The Four Agreements” - Miguel Ruiz - https://www.miguelruiz.com/the-four-agreements
Black Eyed Peas - “Rock That Body”
Susan Watson - “How Lovely to be a Woman”
Gary Glitter - “You’re Beautiful ”
- Produced and Edited by Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
-Special thanks to Robert Bailey and Tom Wilson for their forever voices.-
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Ep 51 TRS - “Teen 911: Trauma, Tech, and Building Healthy Relationships for Emotional & Sensitive Youth and Their Families” with guest Jeremy Manné, founder of Pacific Teen Treatment
Jenni and Wendy talk contemporary teen issues and therapeutic treatment options for emotional and sensitive kids - with Jeremy Manné, founder of Pacific Teen Treatment. Tips for young people and their caregivers.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2019
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
w: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
w: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Jeremy Manné
w: PacificTeenTreatment.com
fb: Pacific Teen Treatment
ph: 800/531-5769
insta: @PacificTeenTreatment
Macy Gray - “Hey Young World, Pt 2”
Kim Wilde - “We’re The Kids in America”
Madonna - “Papa Don’t Preach“
Joni Mitchell - “Talk To Me”
Rufus Wainwright - “Beautiful Child”
- Produced and Edited by Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
-Special thanks to Robert Bailey and Tom Wilson for their forever voices.-
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Ep 50 TRS - “Let’s Talk About Sex: Pride, Planned Parenthood, and Pregnancy Planning” with guest Janelle Watson, LMFT
Jenni and Wendy get educated about Pride, Planned Parenthood, and Pregnancy Planning with Janelle Watson, LMFT of Just Embrace Wellness. Tips for parents of LGBTQ Youth. Information about Surrogacy and Egg Donation.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2019
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
w: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
w: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Janelle Watson, LMFT
w: JustEmbraceWellness.com
e: Janelle@justembracewellness.com
fb: Just Embrace Wellness
ph: 213/986-6071
insta: @JustEmbraceWellness
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Planned Parenthood - https://www.plannedparenthood.org/
PFLAG - https://pflag.org/
LGBT Center Los Angeles - Youth LifeWorks (Youth Development) Program - https://lalgbtcenter.org/social-service-and-housing/youth/lifeworks-youth-development
Salt-n-Pepa - “Let’s Talk About Sex”
Barbra Streisand - “Don’t Rain on My Parade”
Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark - “Talking Loud and Clear“
Donny Hathaway - “Voices Inside (Everything is Everything)”
- Produced and Edited by Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
-Special thanks to Robert Bailey and Tom Wilson for their forever voices.-
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Ep 48 TRS - “Polyamory and Sex Play: Your Relationship May Be Kinkier Than You Think” with guest David Singer, LMFT
Jenni and Wendy get educated about Polyamory, Fetish, BDSM, and Kink from the LA Kink Shrink, David Singer, LMFT. Their friend Candace sits in.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2019
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
w: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
w: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Candace Dale McKenzie, LMFT
w: http://candacedalemckenzie.com/
David Singer, LMFT
w: LAKinkShrink.com
tw: @LAKinkShrink
fb: LA Kink Shrink
ph: 310/218-8859
other: LAKinkShrink on FetLife.com
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Pat Califia - “UnMonogamy: Loving Tricks and Tricking Lovers” - found in Public Sex: The Culture of Radical Sex
Pauline Reage -The Story of O - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Story_of_O
Just google: “Yes No Maybe List”
Gottman Institute - https://www.gottman.com/
Psychedelic Furs - “Love My Way”
Muppets - “Mana Mana Song”
Donny Osmond - “Puppy Love“
OMD - “Secret”
Macy Gray - “Sexual Revolution”
- Produced and Edited by Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
-Special thanks to Robert Bailey and Tom Wilson for their forever voices.-
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Episode 47 - “Relationship Lessons from a Dog Trainer” with guest Juan Romo, dog trainer and life coach
Jenni and Wendy were very good girls this week when they sat with LA-based dog trainer and life coach, Juan Romo to learn some new tricks and some relationship lessons.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2018
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
web: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
web: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Juan Romo, dog trainer and life coach
Tw: @theK9Specialist
e: Juan.Romo.dogeden@gmail.com
Web: https://www.dog-e-den.com/
Ph: 818/492-6096
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Gottman Institute - https://www.gottman.com/
George Clinton - "Atomic Dog"
Led Zepplin - “Black Dog"
Eminem - “Bad Influence”
Snoop Dogg - “G-Funk Intro"
Cat Stevens - “I Love My Dog"
Snoop Dogg - "Doggy Dogg World"
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Sunday Oct 07, 2018
Ep 46 TRS - “Axis II Cluster B: Dealing with Difficult People Made Easier” with guests Dr. Shirley Imprezzelli and Kellee White, LMFT & spiritual medium
"He’s Axis II Cluster B!" Can dealing with difficult people be made any easier? How do we manage relationships with Narcissists, Borderlines, Histrionics, and Psycho or Sociopaths? Jenni and Wendy explore these questions in the contexts of trauma, families, and the spiritual realm with guests Dr. Shirley Imprezzelli and Kellee White, LMFT - psychotherapists and cohosts of the podcast Both Sides Now."
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2018
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
web: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
web: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Dr. Shirley Imprezzelli
Fb: www.facebook.com/DrShirleyI
Tw: @DrShirleyI
Web: DrShirley.com
Podcast: BothSidesNowTV.com
Kellee White, LMFT
Fb: www.facebook.com/TheBeverlyHillsMedium
Tw: @White_Kellee
Web: KelleeWhite.com
Podcast: BothSidesNowTV.com
Facebook Live Wednesdays at 4pm
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
James Van Praagh - vanpraagh.com
Peter Levine - Somatic Therapy - https://traumahealing.org/
Dan Seigel - https://www.drdansiegel.com/
Dr. Stan Tatkin - PACT - https://stantatkin.com/
Paul Eckman on lying - https://www.paulekman.com/facial-expressions/signs-of-lying/
Sanaya Roman - "Living with Joy”
Laurie Kimartin - "Dead People Suck"
Jerold J. Kreisman, et al. - "I Hate You Don’t Leave Me”
Martha Stout - “The Sociopath Next Door"
February Esalen Peter Levine
Portrait - “In Another World"
Holly Cole - “You’ve Got A Secret"
Barry Manilow - “Mandy”
Madonna - “Borderline”
Joni Mitchell- “Borderline”
Carly Simon - You’re So Vain
* As always, special thanks to Robert Bailey - voice of Dr. Wendy's Dream Journal*
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Ep 45 TRS - “Being Unapologetically Yourself" with guest Roxy Wood, Drag Artist & Actress
What can we learn about Self-Acceptance & "Being Unapologetically Yourself" from the LGBTQ Community? Spoiler Alert: A helluva lot! Wendy and Jenni are privileged to sit down with drag artist, actress, and hostess of "Legendary Drag Queen Bingo" Roxy Wood for a conversation on all things trans, drag, and living as authentically yourself as you can possibly stand.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2018
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
Wendy O’Connor, LMFT, PsyD
web: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
Jenni J.V. Wilson, LMFT
web: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Roxy Wood
Fb: www.facebook.com/FoxxyRoxyWood
Insta: @FoxxyRoxyWood
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/foxxyroxywood
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm2111096/
"Drag Queen Bingo" every Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights
Hamburger Mary’s: https://www.hamburgermarys.com/weho/
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Legendary Drag Queen Bingo - http://bingoboyinc.com/legendary-bingo/
LA LGBTQ Center - https://lalgbtcenter.org/
LA Gender Center - https://www.lagendercenter.org/
RuPaul Drag Race - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RuPaul%27s_Drag_Race
RuPaul’s Drag Con- https://rupaulsdragcon.com/
RuPaul - “Supermodel of the World”
Rocky Horror Picture Show (live shows in LA) - https://www.landmarktheatres.com/los-angeles/nuart-theatre/film-info/the-rocky-horror-picture-show
TV Shows: Golden Girls, Transparent, Steve Harvey - Family Feud, Grace and Frankie
Movies: "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" (Also Broadway show), “Wilson", "Anything"
Barack Obama 2018 speech in South Africa -
RuPaul - “Supermodel (You Better Work)"
Golden Girls Theme song - “Thank You For Being a Friend”
Chicago - “Roxie”
Rocky Horror Picture Show - “Time Warp”
Hedwig and the Angry Inch “Tear Me Down”
Doris Day - “Que Sera Sera"
Gin Wigmore - “Man Like That”
Lily Allen - “F*ck You"
Garbage - “Androgyny"
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Saturday Jun 30, 2018
Ep 44 TRS - “Welcome to the Yoniverse: Yoni Eggs with Holistic Healing and Spirituality educator guest Treasure Thompson"
It’s Weight Lifting for your Vagina! Wendy and Jenni are learning the benefits of using "Yoni Eggs" from guest Treasure Thompson, a Healing and Spirituality educator and Advocate for Women’s Empowerment. For over 5000 years, women have been practicing with Yoni Eggs to increase the effectiveness of kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, gain control of one’s vaginal muscles, and perhaps, a plethora of other claimed benefits.
This podcast is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is meant to replace medical information. Do not use a Yoni Egg before consulting with your physician and health team to decide what’s best for you. Definitely check with your doctor before using a Yoni Egg if you have a bladder, vaginal, or rectal prolapse, an internal infection, are menstruating, wearing an IUD or are pregnant.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2018
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. **
web: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
web: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Treasure Thompson
Web: TreasureGemz.com
Insta: @TreasureGemz
Tw: @treasure_gemz
fb: www.facebook.com/treasuregemz
YouTube: TreasureGemz Yoni-Eggs
Treasure’s July 15, 2018 event tix: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sexy-summer-soiree-fashion-show-tickets-46088203056
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Lashed Store - Encino, CA: https://www.lashedcosmetics.com/
Blush Boutique - Encino, CA: https://website-416693626298426871412-womensclothingstore.business.site/
Sex Toys & Tools:
“The Rabbit” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_vibrator,
"Pocket Rocket” https://vibratorvixen.com/pocket-rocket-plus-by-doc-johnson-review/,
"Comet II" by Jopen https://shevibe.com/key-by-jopen-comet-2-vibrating-g-spot-wand-blue.aspx,
"The Bullet” http://letstalksex.net/best-bullet-vibrators-and-vibrating-eggs-review-33-mini-sex-toys/,
“Uberlube” https://www.uberlube.com/
Janet Jackson - “Control”
Salt-N-Pepa - “Shoop”
The Police - "Tea in the Sahara"
Beyonce - “Sorry”
Aretha Franklin - “(You Make Me Feel) Like a Natural Woman"
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863

Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Ep 43 TRS - “We Have to Talk About It: Surviving the Impact of Suicide" - with cohosts Candace Dale McKenzie, LMFT & TRS Teen Correspondent Christopher
In the wake of recent celebrity suicides, Wendy and Jenni continue the important, if sometimes uncomfortable, conversation on Suicide and its far-reaching impacts. They are joined by guest cohosts Candace Dale McKenzie, LMFT and TRS Teen Correspondent Christopher.
For more: Check out TRS Ep 32 - "The Netflix Series13 Reasons Why: Relating to Teen Suicide, Depression, and the Cruelty of Youth”. Wendy and Jenni talk about the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, sharing some things to know about teen suicide, depression, and how parents and kids can survive the cruelty of youth.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2018
**WARNING - Note the “E” for explicit content. This episode contains an intense and potentially triggering conversation regarding suicide and depression. Please consider skipping this episode if you are sensitive to these topics. Even if you feel otherwise in this moment, do not forget that you are important, loved, and not alone - there is support out there.**
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
LGBTQ crisis/suicide 24/7 hotline - 866/488-7386
Teen Line LA - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863
web: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
web: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Candace Dale McKenzie, LMFT
Center for Discovery
Web: CandaceDaleMcKenzie.com
Tw: @CMcKenzieD
Teen Correspondent - Christopher:
Tw: @A5trologicalPanda
Insta: AstrologicalPanda
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
Seize The Awkward https://seizetheawkward.org/
#IAmTheChange - https://www.changedirection.org/320-changes-direction/
Our House - California - http://www.ourhouse-grief.org/
Grief & Mourning: https://grief.com/,
-Crisis Text Line - http://www.crisistextline.org/how-it-works/ - 741741
- National Suicide Prevention - https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ - 800/273-TALK (800/273-8255)
-National Alliance of Mental illness Los Angeles - crisis hotlines & hospitals - http://namila.org/crisis-hotlines-hospitals/
- Balanced Mind Parent Network - http://www.dbsalliance.org/site/PageServer?pagename=bmpn_landing
- LGBTQ hotline - http://www.thetrevorproject.org/ - 866/488-7386
- Teen Line LA - https://teenlineonline.org/ - 310/855-4673, text TEEN to 839863
- The Jason Foundation - http://jasonfoundation.com/
- Thirteen Reasons Why - by Jay Asher
- Stages of Grief: https://grief.com/the-five-stages-of-grief/
- https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/grief/understanding-the-stages-of-grief/
- https://psychcentral.com/lib/the-5-stages-of-loss-and-grief/
TV Shows: 13 Reasons Why - Netflix - https://www.netflix.com/title/80117470
Movies: Ordinary People, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Books: Brene Brown - "Daring Greatly”- http://brenebrown.com/
Mike Shinoda - “Hold it Together"
Jill Sobule - “Heroes”
Monty Python - “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
***TEEN LINE web: teenlineonline.org - Text: 839863 - Ph: 310/855-HOPE (4673) or 800/TLC-TEEN (nationwide toll free from 6pm to 10pm PST)***

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Ep 42 TRS - “Dating & Finding 'The One’ in a Swipe Right World" - with guest Stacey Goryl
in this episode, Wendy and Jenni are joined by Stacey Goryl of Forever Matchmaking whose slogan is: "Less Swiping, More Dating." They tell their stories and talk about dating to find ’The One’.
TRS email: RelationshipShowLA@gmail.com
© Jenni J.V. Wilson 2018
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
web: www.DoctorWendyOConnor.com
e: DrWendyOConnor@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/askdrwendy
tw: @askDrWendy
intsta: IamDrWendy
ph: 310/712-1230
web: www.JenniJVWilson.com
e: JenniferJVWilson@gmail.com
fb: www.facebook.com/JenniJVWilson
tw: @JenniJVWilson
insta: ThePreppyRebel
Stacey Goryl
Web: ForeverMatchmaking.com
Insta: @forevermatchmaking
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ForeverMatchmaking/
Los Angeles Events: "Love in The City" & "Love in The Valley"
SHOW MENTIONS & Resources -
TV Shows: "Blind Date”, “Love Connection"
Movies: Couples Retreat, Rear Window, Best In Show,
Books -
- Dr. Pat Allen “Getting To ‘I Do’”- http://www.drpatallen.com/
- Brene Brown - "Daring Greatly"
- Gary Chapman - “The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts"
- Harville Hendrix and Helen Lakelly Hunt - “Getting The Love You Want: A Guide For Couples” http://www.harvillehendrix.com/
- Jenny Block - “Open: Love, Sex, & Life in an Open Marriage"
Nancy Wilson - "At Long Last Love”
Fiona Apple - “Fast As You Can ”
Blondie - “Call Me”
Dinah Washington - “All of Me”
Stacey Kent - “What the World Needs Now is Love”
***Crisis Text line: 741741***
***National Suicide Hotline: 800/273-8255 ***
***TEEN LINE web: teenlineonline.org - Text: 839863 - Ph: 310/855-HOPE (4673) or 800/TLC-TEEN (nationwide toll free from 6pm to 10pm PST)***